Alerts are used to notify when a certain set of criteria are met.
There are two ways to set up alerts, either via the Alert Wizard or New Alert (Advanced).
The Alert Wizard is usually the easiest way to set up basic alerts like:
- After hours usage
- Ignition on
- Movement Detected
- Panic / Duress Button Pressed
- Accident Rollover Detected
- Speeding (once per trip)
- External Power Removed / Low
- Geo-Fence Alert
- Low Battery
Please note that some alerts require a specific device type or peripheral hardware attached.
The New Alert (Advanced) is useful if you want to create an alert based on a custom set of criteria.
To show you how an alert is set up, an Ignition on alert will now be set up.
From the New Alert Wizard, select Ignition on. On the first screen we have the option to have this alert be assigned to any new assets by default.
Next we need to choose which assets to apply the alert to. To choose, highlight the asset you want and use the single arrow to move it to the applied asset column, you can also use the double arrow to move all assets across.
Please note that an Ignition on alert can only be used for hard wired trackers or battery powered trackers that have been set up to be movement based.
Next we need to choose who and how we want the alert sent. If the person you want to send the alert to has a user account and has logged into the app, then email and mobile app will automatically be available in the list. If you want to send an alert to someone who does not have an account or via SMS you will need to set it up in the address book (found under the admin tab) .Please note SMS incurs an extra cost and needs to be set up to function, please contact us to set this up.
Next we can modify the name of the alert to help distinguish it from other similar alerts that might be set up.
That is the basic way to set up an alert. Once an alert is set up, you can edit it if needed, the edit alert interface is the same as what appears if you choose New Alert (Advanced), but if editing the alert all previously entered information will be already entered.
On the general screen the Name, Message, and Email Message can be edited. The Message field is what is sent as the email subject, push notification or SMS. The Email Message text lets you template a long form alert details. Using tokens in both allows you to have custom info sent based on the assets details at that time.
The assets and notification tabs allow you to edit in the same way as when they were set up. On the notification tab we can change the notification frequency. This can help stop multiple alerts being sent in quick succession.
The conditions tab is where the conditions that trigger the alert are set up. If you have used the Alert Wizard then this will be pre-filled, but it can be customised if needed. For example you might only want to see ignition on in a certain geofence and during the work day.
Then you just need to click save. If you need help setting up any alerts please contact us.